Welcome to...
St Michael & All Angels C.E Primary School
St Michael and All Angels CE Primary School opened its doors in 1872 and welcomes children from both Rearsby and across Leicestershire. We are a proud member of RISE multi-academy trust and value working in partnership with 19 other like-minded primary schools. Our school opens at 8:45am and closes at 3pm. From September 2023 we will be extending our school day to close at 3:15pm. This will amount to 32.5 hours a week.
Our school Bible verse is taken from Psalm 147 “God counts the stars and knows each one by name”. We adopted this verse for our school as we pride ourselves in knowing and developing the whole child; not just academically, but also morally, creatively and spiritually.
We want a child to leave St Michael’s not only with an excellent rounded education and a thirst for knowledge, but also having the confidence to believe in their own abilities and to be ready for the next stage in their education.
Come and see for yourselves, we would love to show you our fantastic, vibrant school.
Mr Neil Bardsley
Executive Headteacher
Follow us on Twitter @stmichaelssch
What parents say about our school...
"Thank you for making my child's year an enjoyable one."
"Couldn't wish for a better school."
"Wish every child could have this opportunity."
"My child loved his time with you all, lots of happy memories. Thank you."
It's the best thing we ever did - he now loves school and learning. Thank you."